The Cigar Clown Army is a close-knit community of cigar enthusiasts who share a deep love for the premium cigars made by the Cigar Clowns. Also known as "Brothers of the Leaf" and "Sisters of the Leaf," members of the Cigar Clown Army share a strong bond through their appreciation for the art and culture of cigar smoking.
The Cigar Clown Army is more than just a group of people who enjoy smoking cigars. It's a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for the finer things in life, and who enjoy spending time together, discussing their favorite cigars and catching up on life.
Members of the Cigar Clown Army come from all walks of life and from all over the world, but they are united by their love of the Cigar Clowns' premium cigars. They often gather at smoke events, known as herfs, to socialize and share their appreciation for fine cigars.
The bond between members of the Cigar Clown Army is strong, built on a shared passion for the art and culture of cigar smoking. They support each other, share tips and advice, and are always willing to try new cigars and share their experiences with others.
Joining the Cigar Clown Army means becoming part of a strong community of cigar lovers who share a common bond. It's a chance to make new friends, learn more about cigars and the culture surrounding them, and enjoy the finest cigars around.
So, if you're a fan of the Cigar Clowns' boutique cigars and want to be part of a close-knit community of cigar lovers, consider joining the Cigar Clown Army. You'll find a group of like-minded individuals who share your passion, and who are always happy to welcome new members into the fold.